How to Check Battery Health on a Dell Laptop via BIOS

Dell Battery Health

Keeping track of your Dell laptop’s battery health is essential for ensuring it performs reliably over time. Fortunately, Dell laptops make it easy to check the battery health directly in the BIOS, without needing to install additional software. Follow this simple guide to learn how. Step 1: Restart Your Laptop To access the BIOS, you’ll […]

Microsoft Office 365 vs. Free Office Suites: Which is Best for You?

MS Office vs Open Office

In today’s fast-paced business environment, office software suites are essential for productivity and collaboration. Microsoft Office 365, now known as Microsoft 365, has become the standard for many organizations, offering cloud-based access to popular applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. However, a variety of free, open-source alternatives are available, and for businesses seeking to reduce […]

Resetting and Reinstalling Your Display Driver in Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide

Display Settings

In the world of computing, the display driver is a vital link between your PC’s hardware and its software. If you’re experiencing screen flickering, poor resolution, or other graphics-related issues, the culprit may often be your display (or video) driver. Luckily, a reset or reinstall of the driver can often restore smooth performance. In this […]

How to Reset the Network Stack in Windows to Fix TCP/IP Issues

How to reset network settings

If you’re experiencing network issues on Windows 10, such as a WiFi adapter that can see networks but won’t accept a TCP/IP address, resetting the network stack can often help. This solution involves resetting both the Winsock and TCP/IP stack settings, which are foundational for Windows networking. However, please attempt this only if you are […]

Understanding Thunderbolt Security: Why Authorizing External Devices Is Critical

Thunderbolt Control Panel

Thunderbolt technology is revolutionizing how we connect peripherals to our computers. With its lightning-fast data transfer speeds and the ability to daisy-chain multiple devices, it’s easy to see why Thunderbolt has become the go-to for professionals and tech enthusiasts alike. But, with great power comes great responsibility—especially when it comes to security. In this blog […]

Why You Can Trust Our Process: How We Handle Ex-Lease Computers

Fully Automated Deployment Process at NZ Laptop Wholesale

At NZ Laptop Wholesale, we take pride in providing high-quality refurbished laptops and desktops, giving our customers peace of mind when purchasing ex-lease IT equipment. Our process is built around automation and consistency, ensuring that every computer is prepared to the highest standard. Here’s how we handle ex-lease computers and why you can trust your […]

Windows 11 on Refurbished Laptops & Desktops: What You Need to Know

At NZ Laptop Wholesale, we’re committed to providing high-quality, professionally refurbished laptops and desktops at affordable prices. One question many customers have is whether these devices are compatible with Windows 11—especially for units that don’t have CPUs listed on Microsoft’s official compatibility list. The Good News:We have rigorously tested Windows 11 on a wide range […]